Friday, May 8, 2009


Hello! Happy Birthday to me and Alice! Check out Alice Whitlock's blog to veiw our cake! :)
(It's on the link to the left). My mom took me shopping for my special day, and we ate lunch at TGI Fridays. I went to Hot Topic (love that store! They have the coolest things --when it's on clearance, lol) and saw a Fred T-shirt I REALLY wanted, but my mom forbid me from getting it b/c some how she finds Fred annyoing and wants to strangle me every time I quote. How does anyone not like Fred?!?! 'S beyond me.
In case you're wondering why I'm up so late (it's 11:35pm 0.o) I'm watching a live Enter the Haggis concert on U-Stream (awesome-sauce!). Dedicated fan? Absolutly. Obsessed? ...maybe a little. LOL But really these guys are tottaly awesome! You must You-Tube them!
--Speaking of ETH, I converted 2 ladies that worked @ Barns and Noble. Muhahaha! Me: 3 Hannah: 1 (i'm winning! :K)--

Anyway. Okay, I posted some pictures of my drawings (I finally figured out how to put pix from my camera on here, yay!)

I drew a masoleum. :) Idk why....

Check it out, the gravestone says "M.D. Feb. 09" as the siggy. :)
A poitrait of Jaqelynn when she was young. (see older posts for details)

Little Zombie Girl. "I call this the FriendShip Tree!"

Storm: a Vampire Kisses OC (c) ME

Raven from Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber

Becky from Vampire kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber --why did I draw her so tall?

Storm again!

My cat when she gets wet. LOL

A pretty seal :) More to come! Thanks for reading!

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