Thursday, December 25, 2008

Deck the Crypt with Skulls and Bats, fa la la la la, la la la la!

I hope you all are having a white Christmas....'cause I'm sure not. :( It's 65 degrees outside and not a trace of snow! Oh, well.

I've gotten a lot of things with skulls on it ( a bath robe, tea-mug, leggins). My parents know me so well!!! As well as the movie "Leather Heads" (one of my fave.s!). Actually, part of that movie was filmed right across the street where the band I'm in practices! (I play back up for the back up fiddle. LOL)

I got Mom a Natalie MacMaster CD and Dad the Monty Python's Flying Circus collection - which he loved! yea!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The iMinx

About the iMinx:

It's just a bunch of my fave songs, alot are probably some that you have never heard.

1-5 are Green Day (those guys ROCK!)

6&7 are from Enter The Haggis (which I have wrote about previously)

8 is In the Ayer (hey, every cheer team needs a theme song :)

9-12 are Avril Lavine (She also ROCKS!)

13 is from The Crux Shadows (it's gothic 80s....what's not to love!?!?)

14-18 are all by the famous Danny Elfman (14 is sung by Marylin Manson --he rocks...keep opinions to yourself Marylin haters!! Bruhahahah!!!)

19 is Star of the County Down ( a traditional Irish song)

20-22 are by Van Morrison and the Cheiftans (if ur wondering y i put 2 star of the county down songs on the iMinx, both versions are totally awesome!)

23 is The Banshee and Gravel Walks (two songs that I LOVE to play on the fiddle)

24 is The Blarney Pilgrim (Rocks out LOUD!)

So, yeah, that's the iMinx. I kinda, sorta....mabey....-ish stole the idea from Tuesday.....
"sorry, Tuesday." :)

~Merry Christmas , Minx

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yellow Belt! Yes!!!!

I tested for my yellow belt last Wednesday! I think I did pretty good.

OMG, before we started testing, my teacher comes over to me and gives me a weird look. Then at the end of the test he comes over to me and tells me I have my pants on backwards!! 8(
I was so embarased! The only difference b/t front and back is you have an itsy-bitsy black Korean logo on the front. long as I get the belt. :)
