Thursday, July 30, 2009

Greetings From Oak Island North Carolina!

Hi all!!

I'm on Oak Island, North Carolina right now. :) Last week I was in Asheville (ah, sweet Asheville)
for Bele Chere --which was amazing, By the way. I'm here for Camp Caswell Baptist Camp. It's actually kind of weird, being in a Baptist camp, when I'm an Episcopal, but it's still alot of fun. :)
Being a vegitarian does not help though. In the South, almost everyone follows the sloggan: "There's a place for all Gods creatures-- right next to the potatos and gravy."

(ih.) :( There's a very nice cafeteria lady that remembers not to put meat of my plate tho. :)
She tipped me off that we're having vegitarian lasagna tonight :))) yay!
Well, gotta go! Our church is having a basketball game in a few. Then it's off to the ocean. :)


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Minx's Helpful Hints: Anti-Inflammitories

Hello, how are you? Good I hope.

If you could see me right now, you might ask,

"Meg, why are you're arms covered in mustard?"

Well, I'll tell you. While putting some seasonings and sauces back into their rightful cabinet, the vanilla bottle fell out, and fell into an oil fryer...thing (we're fixing frys). Anyway, oil splashed onto my arms (ouch!!). My dad told me to put mustard on my arms.
And here's why:

Mustard contains a spice called turmeric. (Toom-rik). It's the stuff that makes in yellow, more commonly found in the cheap mustard- it also stains bowls, so watch out for that. Anyway, Tumeric is an anti-inflammatory. So your skin doesn't get all red and puffy.

You can find turmeric tablets in drugstores or some grocery stores. I always take one before I get my eyebrows waxed. ( probably didn't need to know that...) It takes care of the redness.

Another anti-inflammatory is milk. Soymilk doesn't work. I've tried. Sorry. When you take Ibuprofen, wash it down with milk instead of water. It'll kick in faster.


Friday, July 3, 2009

What now?

I wish I had something new and exiting to post, but alas:

What I do have to post that is...worth reading, is this:

Happy Canada Day! I'm not Canadian, but this year Dad and I went to the Second Fret to hear Rob play. The show was titled, "Songs in the Key of Eh". Ha ha!...*ahem*.

I've been baking Irish soda bread, it turned out pretty good. I gave some to my grandparents and some to my fiddle teacher, Veda. They both said it was good, so maybe I'm not such a terrible cook after all. :) yay.

Today, my highschool class is having a bake sale at the mall (yes, we can do that. our mall is that pathetic.). There will be fire works there as well later on today.
So, I've been baking since I woke up this morning. I'm bringing: oatmeal/raisin cookies, star-shaped sugar cookies, and scones.
Scones, scones,scones,scones, this is why my parents call me "Scone-Monger". LOL

Well, that's all I have to say. Have a wonderful Independence Day! And if you don't, just remember:

"Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
So, if you're chewin' on life's gristle,
Don't grumble!
Give a whistle. And this'll, help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life." :)
~"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" courtesy of Monty Python's The Life of Brian.
