Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Asheville pictures!!

Well!?!?! ARE YOU???? lol :)

This is going to be a long post! I'm going to add a bunch of photos-- some serious some funny (I'm not trying to make fun of ETH, it's just that some came out kind of funny...)
It's Brian!!! Yay!

Craig! Yay!
Brian and Trevor!

Mark and Trevor!

"Ouch! Okay, who threw that?"
"What was that?!?"
Now, this is some great multi-tasking! Fiddle and piano!

"Heeellloooo down there!"

Okay, I cannot figure out what is in Trevor's hand. It kind of looks like an arrow......:(

More awesome multi-tasking! Go Brian! XD
Brian and Mark :)
Brian and Trevor :)
"Hey! the sign says No Flashes!"

If you look at these pictures really fast, it's like they're banging their heads together LOL :)

Okay, that's all for Enter the Haggis! The concert was beyond amazing!

Now moving on to the Word Fest!
I don't have a link to the vidios yet, but I'll try to get it up as soon as i find it. :)

The front of the Jubilee! building. Less that half a mile from my hotel!

And finally! ......

Jack of the Wood!
A really cool pub. lol

Oh, and something I made on my desk at school...it's an exploding fiddle-volcano! LOL \


Anonymous said...

i like the volcano!

Minx said...

thanks! :)