Sunday, July 12, 2009

Minx's Helpful Hints: Anti-Inflammitories

Hello, how are you? Good I hope.

If you could see me right now, you might ask,

"Meg, why are you're arms covered in mustard?"

Well, I'll tell you. While putting some seasonings and sauces back into their rightful cabinet, the vanilla bottle fell out, and fell into an oil fryer...thing (we're fixing frys). Anyway, oil splashed onto my arms (ouch!!). My dad told me to put mustard on my arms.
And here's why:

Mustard contains a spice called turmeric. (Toom-rik). It's the stuff that makes in yellow, more commonly found in the cheap mustard- it also stains bowls, so watch out for that. Anyway, Tumeric is an anti-inflammatory. So your skin doesn't get all red and puffy.

You can find turmeric tablets in drugstores or some grocery stores. I always take one before I get my eyebrows waxed. ( probably didn't need to know that...) It takes care of the redness.

Another anti-inflammatory is milk. Soymilk doesn't work. I've tried. Sorry. When you take Ibuprofen, wash it down with milk instead of water. It'll kick in faster.



Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Minx said...

Thanks Anonymous :)
that means a lot to me.