Thursday, December 25, 2008

Deck the Crypt with Skulls and Bats, fa la la la la, la la la la!

I hope you all are having a white Christmas....'cause I'm sure not. :( It's 65 degrees outside and not a trace of snow! Oh, well.

I've gotten a lot of things with skulls on it ( a bath robe, tea-mug, leggins). My parents know me so well!!! As well as the movie "Leather Heads" (one of my fave.s!). Actually, part of that movie was filmed right across the street where the band I'm in practices! (I play back up for the back up fiddle. LOL)

I got Mom a Natalie MacMaster CD and Dad the Monty Python's Flying Circus collection - which he loved! yea!

Merry Christmas!


VampireGirl said...

Oh yay! It snowed where I am... For like 2 weeks! We gots like, what, 18 inches of snow!!!

and I like the, "Deck the Crypt with Skulls and Bats, fa la la la la, la la la la" Very nice.

Dominique is Amazing said...

I'm getting back into blogging after..forever haha. So I picked yours randomly! Sweeet! I love Monty Python. This year I actually put up some spider webs over my snow in the yard :) With little plastic spiders! Nothing like a little Halloween when its out of season:)


Minx said...

Vampire Girl,

Wow! 18 inches! That's like.....uh, math hurts........a foot and a half!

Glad u like the title. :) I have yet to come up with a second one. :)
I'll let you know tho.
Happy New Year!

I'm honored! :) Monty Python is the bomb, yes? LOL

OOOO! Spiders! Sounds pretty! XD

Nightmare before Christmas: best of both worlds!
Happy New Year!!