Friday, November 28, 2008

Mental Leftovers

Oh, good Lord.
Apart from being in a turkey coma, this friday is going pretty good. I keep looking around the house for familiar things, because I keep thinking I must be in the wrong house, since mine has never been this clean! I wonder how long it will last.... I'm listening to Enter the Haggis's Soapbox Heroes album in their multi-media center; you can check it out here:
ETH is so awesome! They don't play just one kind of music, it's a mix of fusion, bluegrass, celtic, rock, and pretty much anything you can think of! A lot of the songs are tradtional Irish (Star of the County Down; The Minstril Boy; etc.) and Scottish (Martha Stewart --no, not the lady who was put in jail). However, there are a good bit of political and society based songs, or something like that.
Hang on- I got on here to talk about Friday, not ETH, but then, how could I resist? lol
Last nights dinner was pretty good. A lot of it consisted of my grandmother and her mother-in-law rolling eyes at each other.... but I won't go in to that. After eating, we shared stories about chicken-houses and liquor stills-- no, I'm not an alchoholic, just so you know. lol

My mother refused to let me play our Greatest Hits of Queen throughout dinner. *Pout*
Queen rocks.



Tuesday said...

Hey Minx,

Hahahahha! Well, it sounds like you were entertained all night long. Heehee, oh man... If you were put both my grandmothers in a room together, you might as well break out the popcorn and chips.
It's certainly something you won't ever be able to forget.
And when Hungarians fight? They fight.

Ahahahha! Aww, no Queen? Well, at least you can listen to them now, since the dinner's over right?
Queen rocks! :D

My Regards

Minx said...

LOL, same way with Germans. :)
