Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
on a side note...
uh, oh...
let me take this moment to say..."Oops.."
In the previous post I didn't realize some of the photo's would get cut off...
let me take this moment to say..."Oops.."
In the previous post I didn't realize some of the photo's would get cut off...
Taekwondo Tournament vs. Fiddling
Hello all!
My oh my, it feels good to be blogging again! I wish I had more time for it during the school year....but ya know, junior year and all, work work work!
I'm sitting here, reclining in a comfortable rolling chair (one quite unlike the one in my cubicle at school-- yes, you heard me right: cubicle. Hey, tough school :) sipping a giant mug of Earl Grey, bopping my head to the sound of Gaelic Storm, all the while, delaying you from the explination of my title....
Yet....you're still entertained. :) At least...I think you are....
Anyway, about a month ago, I was told the Statesville Irish Sessions were going to play for the St. Joseph Irish Dancers at the town festival in Hiddnite, North Carolina. Yes, hiddnite, like the gem...in fact....exactly like the gem...the base of the vein, so to speak.
Of course I was excited, who wouldn't be? It's a pretty big thing.
About a week later, my Taekwondo teacher announced that we were invited to the South Carolina Governor's Tournament.
Decisions, decisions: competing in an really cool tournament, or getting rained on while I fiddle in the freezing cold?
Of course, I choose fiddling.
A friend of mine, who has been away at college, and I raerly get to see, spent the night. We watched Monty Python and Sweeny Todd. The next day we drove up to Hiddnite (well, she drove...I navigated the ipod...:) We were super early, so we sat down and watched little bluegrass veggietale dancers (don't ask...) who were on before us.
Then we found some of the other musisians, got to gether and tuned in the freezing rain. Five minutes later, tuned again, as well as a few more times after that. :(
Half an hour later, we got up in the gazebo-stage...thing.... and got settled in to our 1'by 1' box of personal space and played.
(you can see me and Hannah on the left hand side. I'm leaning on the pole (more like stuck to) and she's to my right.
On our five min. lunch break, I heard some pretty good street musicians playing The Swallow Tail Jig while I waited in like for my hot apple cider. (yum!)
On second rounds, we were shceduled to play under a tent, but apparently it's dangerous or something to dance on slippery, wet peices of wood.....so the dancers didn't show.
We were already wet (and my hair was already as curly as a Norwegian Fuzz-mop), so we were like, "oh what the heck?" and just started playing for the fun. :)

Hannah's face is just priceless! Haha! "WHAT THE HECK?!?!"
:( I has curly hair. :(

Sarah D., me, Hannah, and part of Corey.
And that's....that's about it.
See ya! :)
My oh my, it feels good to be blogging again! I wish I had more time for it during the school year....but ya know, junior year and all, work work work!
I'm sitting here, reclining in a comfortable rolling chair (one quite unlike the one in my cubicle at school-- yes, you heard me right: cubicle. Hey, tough school :) sipping a giant mug of Earl Grey, bopping my head to the sound of Gaelic Storm, all the while, delaying you from the explination of my title....
Yet....you're still entertained. :) At least...I think you are....
Anyway, about a month ago, I was told the Statesville Irish Sessions were going to play for the St. Joseph Irish Dancers at the town festival in Hiddnite, North Carolina. Yes, hiddnite, like the gem...in fact....exactly like the gem...the base of the vein, so to speak.
Of course I was excited, who wouldn't be? It's a pretty big thing.
About a week later, my Taekwondo teacher announced that we were invited to the South Carolina Governor's Tournament.
Decisions, decisions: competing in an really cool tournament, or getting rained on while I fiddle in the freezing cold?
Of course, I choose fiddling.
A friend of mine, who has been away at college, and I raerly get to see, spent the night. We watched Monty Python and Sweeny Todd. The next day we drove up to Hiddnite (well, she drove...I navigated the ipod...:) We were super early, so we sat down and watched little bluegrass veggietale dancers (don't ask...) who were on before us.
Then we found some of the other musisians, got to gether and tuned in the freezing rain. Five minutes later, tuned again, as well as a few more times after that. :(
Half an hour later, we got up in the gazebo-stage...thing.... and got settled in to our 1'by 1' box of personal space and played.
(you can see me and Hannah on the left hand side. I'm leaning on the pole (more like stuck to) and she's to my right.
On our five min. lunch break, I heard some pretty good street musicians playing The Swallow Tail Jig while I waited in like for my hot apple cider. (yum!)
On second rounds, we were shceduled to play under a tent, but apparently it's dangerous or something to dance on slippery, wet peices of wood.....so the dancers didn't show.
We were already wet (and my hair was already as curly as a Norwegian Fuzz-mop), so we were like, "oh what the heck?" and just started playing for the fun. :)
Hannah's face is just priceless! Haha! "WHAT THE HECK?!?!"
:( I has curly hair. :(
Sarah D., me, Hannah, and part of Corey.
And that's....that's about it.
See ya! :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
As I sit here typing this, one question runs through my mind:
Why am I writing? Why did I start this blog? Why did I name it "Fiddle Case or Mental Case?" ? What's the point?
--okay, that last one was a 'What' instead of a 'Why'...but still--
The answer- I have no clue.
So, I started reading some of the first posts and realized I first started blogging because I had no/ few friends.
But now I have friends.......so should I stop blogging?
Uh, NO. There are still some semi-interesting things going on in Statesville and in my life.
Like: music things, and....okay, I can't think of any off the top of my tounge...
on the bright side! I think I'm going to make a video of how to make soda bread!
You'll like that, won't you? Knew ya would. :)
Why am I writing? Why did I start this blog? Why did I name it "Fiddle Case or Mental Case?" ? What's the point?
--okay, that last one was a 'What' instead of a 'Why'...but still--
The answer- I have no clue.
So, I started reading some of the first posts and realized I first started blogging because I had no/ few friends.
But now I have friends.......so should I stop blogging?
Uh, NO. There are still some semi-interesting things going on in Statesville and in my life.
Like: music things, and....okay, I can't think of any off the top of my tounge...
on the bright side! I think I'm going to make a video of how to make soda bread!
You'll like that, won't you? Knew ya would. :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Home Sweet Home.
Hi all,
I'm home again. What a crazy summer this has been, what with running all over the state and all. Unfortunately, I brought home a cold. On Tuesday, I began to have a sore throat, the next day I was hoarse, and on Thursday, I had completely lost my voice. Then it all went down from there. A few hours after I walked in the door, my parents shoved the digital thermometer into my mouth and it came out reading 100.4 degrees. Yuck.
But, fever is down today, and the snot is stalled for now. :)
I'm home again. What a crazy summer this has been, what with running all over the state and all. Unfortunately, I brought home a cold. On Tuesday, I began to have a sore throat, the next day I was hoarse, and on Thursday, I had completely lost my voice. Then it all went down from there. A few hours after I walked in the door, my parents shoved the digital thermometer into my mouth and it came out reading 100.4 degrees. Yuck.
But, fever is down today, and the snot is stalled for now. :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Greetings From Oak Island North Carolina!
Hi all!!
I'm on Oak Island, North Carolina right now. :) Last week I was in Asheville (ah, sweet Asheville)
for Bele Chere --which was amazing, By the way. I'm here for Camp Caswell Baptist Camp. It's actually kind of weird, being in a Baptist camp, when I'm an Episcopal, but it's still alot of fun. :)
Being a vegitarian does not help though. In the South, almost everyone follows the sloggan: "There's a place for all Gods creatures-- right next to the potatos and gravy."
(ih.) :( There's a very nice cafeteria lady that remembers not to put meat of my plate tho. :)
She tipped me off that we're having vegitarian lasagna tonight :))) yay!
Well, gotta go! Our church is having a basketball game in a few. Then it's off to the ocean. :)
I'm on Oak Island, North Carolina right now. :) Last week I was in Asheville (ah, sweet Asheville)
for Bele Chere --which was amazing, By the way. I'm here for Camp Caswell Baptist Camp. It's actually kind of weird, being in a Baptist camp, when I'm an Episcopal, but it's still alot of fun. :)
Being a vegitarian does not help though. In the South, almost everyone follows the sloggan: "There's a place for all Gods creatures-- right next to the potatos and gravy."
(ih.) :( There's a very nice cafeteria lady that remembers not to put meat of my plate tho. :)
She tipped me off that we're having vegitarian lasagna tonight :))) yay!
Well, gotta go! Our church is having a basketball game in a few. Then it's off to the ocean. :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Minx's Helpful Hints: Anti-Inflammitories
Hello, how are you? Good I hope.
If you could see me right now, you might ask,
"Meg, why are you're arms covered in mustard?"
Well, I'll tell you. While putting some seasonings and sauces back into their rightful cabinet, the vanilla bottle fell out, and fell into an oil fryer...thing (we're fixing frys). Anyway, oil splashed onto my arms (ouch!!). My dad told me to put mustard on my arms.
And here's why:
Mustard contains a spice called turmeric. (Toom-rik). It's the stuff that makes in yellow, more commonly found in the cheap mustard- it also stains bowls, so watch out for that. Anyway, Tumeric is an anti-inflammatory. So your skin doesn't get all red and puffy.
You can find turmeric tablets in drugstores or some grocery stores. I always take one before I get my eyebrows waxed. (....you probably didn't need to know that...) It takes care of the redness.
Another anti-inflammatory is milk. Soymilk doesn't work. I've tried. Sorry. When you take Ibuprofen, wash it down with milk instead of water. It'll kick in faster.
If you could see me right now, you might ask,
"Meg, why are you're arms covered in mustard?"
Well, I'll tell you. While putting some seasonings and sauces back into their rightful cabinet, the vanilla bottle fell out, and fell into an oil fryer...thing (we're fixing frys). Anyway, oil splashed onto my arms (ouch!!). My dad told me to put mustard on my arms.
And here's why:
Mustard contains a spice called turmeric. (Toom-rik). It's the stuff that makes in yellow, more commonly found in the cheap mustard- it also stains bowls, so watch out for that. Anyway, Tumeric is an anti-inflammatory. So your skin doesn't get all red and puffy.
You can find turmeric tablets in drugstores or some grocery stores. I always take one before I get my eyebrows waxed. (....you probably didn't need to know that...) It takes care of the redness.
Another anti-inflammatory is milk. Soymilk doesn't work. I've tried. Sorry. When you take Ibuprofen, wash it down with milk instead of water. It'll kick in faster.
Friday, July 3, 2009
What now?
I wish I had something new and exiting to post, but alas:
What I do have to post that is...worth reading, is this:
Happy Canada Day! I'm not Canadian, but this year Dad and I went to the Second Fret to hear Rob play. The show was titled, "Songs in the Key of Eh". Ha ha!...*ahem*.
I've been baking Irish soda bread, it turned out pretty good. I gave some to my grandparents and some to my fiddle teacher, Veda. They both said it was good, so maybe I'm not such a terrible cook after all. :) yay.
Today, my highschool class is having a bake sale at the mall (yes, we can do that. our mall is that pathetic.). There will be fire works there as well later on today.
So, I've been baking since I woke up this morning. I'm bringing: oatmeal/raisin cookies, star-shaped sugar cookies, and scones.
Scones, scones,scones,scones, this is why my parents call me "Scone-Monger". LOL
Well, that's all I have to say. Have a wonderful Independence Day! And if you don't, just remember:
"Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
So, if you're chewin' on life's gristle,
Don't grumble!
Give a whistle. And this'll, help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life." :)
~"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" courtesy of Monty Python's The Life of Brian.
What I do have to post that is...worth reading, is this:
Happy Canada Day! I'm not Canadian, but this year Dad and I went to the Second Fret to hear Rob play. The show was titled, "Songs in the Key of Eh". Ha ha!...*ahem*.
I've been baking Irish soda bread, it turned out pretty good. I gave some to my grandparents and some to my fiddle teacher, Veda. They both said it was good, so maybe I'm not such a terrible cook after all. :) yay.
Today, my highschool class is having a bake sale at the mall (yes, we can do that. our mall is that pathetic.). There will be fire works there as well later on today.
So, I've been baking since I woke up this morning. I'm bringing: oatmeal/raisin cookies, star-shaped sugar cookies, and scones.
Scones, scones,scones,scones, this is why my parents call me "Scone-Monger". LOL
Well, that's all I have to say. Have a wonderful Independence Day! And if you don't, just remember:
"Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
So, if you're chewin' on life's gristle,
Don't grumble!
Give a whistle. And this'll, help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life." :)
~"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" courtesy of Monty Python's The Life of Brian.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
She's BAAA-aaaack!
Hi all!
Okay, I'm back from the beach, and i have some interesting things to show you. First, is a video. :)
Okay, I'm back from the beach, and i have some interesting things to show you. First, is a video. :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hello All! I will be leaving for Mertle Beach this afternoon, (it's almost 6am right now...why am I up so early?). So I'll be gone the week. Miss you all, will have some cool posts when I come back and i promise to take pics. =]
See ya!
See ya!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
How to make a Vegetarian Meal When there's hardly Anything in the Fridge Part I
Hello All,
I have resurrected my vegetarianism (hmm, is that a word? must be, the Spell Check didn't go off). yay.
Okay, as you can guess from the title, there was hardly anything non-meat-related in the refrigerator yesterday. If you are a Vege' and ever caught in this situation, here's what I did:

Make an egg and toast sandwich.
First, fry your egg however you like it. I did mine like this : too imporportionate too be over-easy, too disasterous to be scrambled. So, we'll call this....a mess.
Then, toast some bread (wheat is sweet:) and stuff it with the egg. Now, to add a little flavour to this rubbery mess, I added salt....and mustard. Oh, don't "eeeewwwweee", it's good!
When you've got that done, fix yourself something to drink. As you can see, I made chocolate soy milk. I'm not vegan, I just have issues with the other kind.
Grab a napkin (cause this can get messy!) and enjoy! :)
Later Days,
I have resurrected my vegetarianism (hmm, is that a word? must be, the Spell Check didn't go off). yay.
Okay, as you can guess from the title, there was hardly anything non-meat-related in the refrigerator yesterday. If you are a Vege' and ever caught in this situation, here's what I did:
Make an egg and toast sandwich.
First, fry your egg however you like it. I did mine like this : too imporportionate too be over-easy, too disasterous to be scrambled. So, we'll call this....a mess.
When you've got that done, fix yourself something to drink. As you can see, I made chocolate soy milk. I'm not vegan, I just have issues with the other kind.
Grab a napkin (cause this can get messy!) and enjoy! :)
Later Days,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dream Pet
What would you want for a pet if you could have anything? No, you may not answer "Edward Cullen".
I think I would want an aye-aye.
They are soooo cute! Well, to me...
The aye-aye is the largest nocturnal marsupial, and is from Madagascar (yes, like the movie), which is an island off the coast of South Africa.
It is believed to be a symbol of evil (tho I believe it to be a symbol of utter cuteness! ;) and if it points its middle finger at you, you'll die. *giggle* Ahem, sorry. The only way to destroy this "curse" is to kill the creature. *sob* Needless to say, aye-ayes are endangered species. :(
So, what would be your dream pet?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ghost Caught on Tape!
Okay, I'm just joking. :) Unfortunately, there's no ghostie haunting my room.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Kiss of Life
I got Kiss of Life yesterday! It's SO awesome!
Umm...let's see, what else is new? Oh, I went with some of the WTC and Alice Whitlock to Starbucks and to see Night at the Museum 2. It was really good.
I've been practicing fiddle in the bathroom alot lately (it has amazing acoustics!).
Okay. That's it. I've been on facebook quite a few times (love it! You really need one).
Umm...let's see, what else is new? Oh, I went with some of the WTC and Alice Whitlock to Starbucks and to see Night at the Museum 2. It was really good.
I've been practicing fiddle in the bathroom alot lately (it has amazing acoustics!).
Okay. That's it. I've been on facebook quite a few times (love it! You really need one).
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Jalepenos and ADHD
I have too much fun...seriously....
"My name is Jose' Jalapeno.....ON a STICK!!!" Ha ha!!!
Anyway, it's been pouring buckets down here! I think the rain finally stopped an hour or so ago. Not much has happened.....we gave the cats a bath. I'm not really sure if I feel more sorry for the cats or the ones bathing them.
I bought some Lemon-poppy seed scones at Whole Foods and I've been trying to figure out how they get them so creamy ever since.
I've been listening to Great Big Sea (GBS) alot lately. They're really good, I put some of their songs on "Deadly Tunes". Scroll on down and give 'em a listen.
Also, school is out! I'm glad, but at the same time I'll miss all my friends. I have friends! This is so much better than my last school!
Okay, I'm gonna go have a soda to give myself ADHD so I can get the house clean in record time :)
Oh, b4 I forget, The WTC blog has been updated. Click the link on the upper-left hand side to check it out.
Peace out!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Playing with the Best
Last night I went to the Second Fret (the local coffee house, music/dance hall, tavern...thing...) to hear Dr. John Turner.
Dr. Turner has won about 10 national Scottish Fiddle championships. OMG.
Anyway, I took a workshop from him this morning. It was awesome! I made scones as my "snack assignment", which were a success (phew!).
After it was over, Hannah and I got our fiddle/violin (my fiddle, her violin-- she sometimes gets mad if I call it a fiddle, Idk if she's reading this, but it's better to be safe) signed.
Manny of my friends from school or elsewhere often ask me "What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle?"
The answer:
Sorry. Can't tell you. It's a secret known only to the players of these instruments, and we're not allowed to tell.
My real answers- -
(1) The nut that holds the bow.
Stop laughing, it's true. Fiddlers are usually more rythmatic (is that a word? you know what i mean.) with a bow. Really it depends on the style though e.i Cape Breton, Scottish, old time, etc.
(2) The violin sings, the fiddle dances.
Fiddle music when played for dancers is supposed to have a certain "bounce" or "kick" (use your imagination) to keep their feet entertained.
(3) No one cares if you spill beer on a fiddle.
When the-- Hey! Wait just one minute! I care! Especially if you spill it on the place where Brian Buchanan or Dr. Turner signed!
--you DEFINITLY don't want to if your fiddle is a Strad.--
Okay, now for the physical differences:
(4) London Bridge.....or Dresden...depending on your instrument....
On a violin, the bridge is ususally more arched so you don't bump extra strings. But in fiddling, the bridges are flat because you actually want to bump extra strings* (especially in Scottish music, so you get that lovely Bagpipe-Drone-Effect).
*Note- not all fiddles have a flat bridge. it's not that as soon as you install a different bridge, you're aura sudenly and magically changes from violinst to a fiddler or vise versa...but it does help.
ps.- if you didn't get the title, Dresden is a popular bridge manufacturer/maker of bridges/whatever. I couldn't come up with anything more catchy....sorry...
(5) Tomato/tohmahto
Both the words "violin" and "fiddle" come from the same Latin word-- ironically, I forgot the word. Eventually, if you translate it out......and keep going....and going....you will get the two differnt words.
So, the next time somone says "There is no difference between a violin and a fiddle.", please grit your teeth and kindly point them to here.
Dr. Turner has won about 10 national Scottish Fiddle championships. OMG.
Anyway, I took a workshop from him this morning. It was awesome! I made scones as my "snack assignment", which were a success (phew!).
After it was over, Hannah and I got our fiddle/violin (my fiddle, her violin-- she sometimes gets mad if I call it a fiddle, Idk if she's reading this, but it's better to be safe) signed.
Manny of my friends from school or elsewhere often ask me "What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle?"
The answer:
Sorry. Can't tell you. It's a secret known only to the players of these instruments, and we're not allowed to tell.
My real answers- -
(1) The nut that holds the bow.
Stop laughing, it's true. Fiddlers are usually more rythmatic (is that a word? you know what i mean.) with a bow. Really it depends on the style though e.i Cape Breton, Scottish, old time, etc.
(2) The violin sings, the fiddle dances.
Fiddle music when played for dancers is supposed to have a certain "bounce" or "kick" (use your imagination) to keep their feet entertained.
(3) No one cares if you spill beer on a fiddle.
When the-- Hey! Wait just one minute! I care! Especially if you spill it on the place where Brian Buchanan or Dr. Turner signed!
--you DEFINITLY don't want to if your fiddle is a Strad.--
Okay, now for the physical differences:
(4) London Bridge.....or Dresden...depending on your instrument....
On a violin, the bridge is ususally more arched so you don't bump extra strings. But in fiddling, the bridges are flat because you actually want to bump extra strings* (especially in Scottish music, so you get that lovely Bagpipe-Drone-Effect).
*Note- not all fiddles have a flat bridge. it's not that as soon as you install a different bridge, you're aura sudenly and magically changes from violinst to a fiddler or vise versa...but it does help.
ps.- if you didn't get the title, Dresden is a popular bridge manufacturer/maker of bridges/whatever. I couldn't come up with anything more catchy....sorry...
(5) Tomato/tohmahto
Both the words "violin" and "fiddle" come from the same Latin word-- ironically, I forgot the word. Eventually, if you translate it out......and keep going....and going....you will get the two differnt words.
So, the next time somone says "There is no difference between a violin and a fiddle.", please grit your teeth and kindly point them to here.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
WTC update!
I just want to let you know, the the WTC Blog (click the link on the left) has a video up! I'm filming, so you won't be able to see me (sad day...:()
It's about WTC-ers in their natural habitat--
The picnic table.
okay. Check it out!
I just want to let you know, the the WTC Blog (click the link on the left) has a video up! I'm filming, so you won't be able to see me (sad day...:()
It's about WTC-ers in their natural habitat--
The picnic table.
okay. Check it out!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
More Drawings!
Hello again! I uploaded some more drawings. :)
Mary Hale aka Bloody Mary (an OC) (c)Me

Brandon! The Siamese Bunny! (randomness) "Carrot?"
Lenore and Raggamuffin (vampire form) (c) Roman Dirge

Umm...Feet. why did I draw feet?....
Some thing me and Brittany did at school

Raven! From Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Schrieber "Rock on!"
Skulduggery S
Skulduggery Pleasant! (c) Derek Landy
A mummy. "Grr! Arg!"
Ooh, pretty castle!
My freind is absolutly obsessed with TinkerBell, so to annoy her, I drew a Tinker-Goth :)
A graveyard. pretty.... lol
Storm again (c) ME
okey-dokey. :) that's it. :)
Peace out, happy saturday.
Mary Hale aka Bloody Mary (an OC) (c)Me
Brandon! The Siamese Bunny! (randomness) "Carrot?"
Umm...Feet. why did I draw feet?....
Raven! From Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Schrieber "Rock on!"
Peace out, happy saturday.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hello! Happy Birthday to me and Alice! Check out Alice Whitlock's blog to veiw our cake! :)
(It's on the link to the left). My mom took me shopping for my special day, and we ate lunch at TGI Fridays. I went to Hot Topic (love that store! They have the coolest things --when it's on clearance, lol) and saw a Fred T-shirt I REALLY wanted, but my mom forbid me from getting it b/c some how she finds Fred annyoing and wants to strangle me every time I quote. How does anyone not like Fred?!?! 'S beyond me.
In case you're wondering why I'm up so late (it's 11:35pm 0.o) I'm watching a live Enter the Haggis concert on U-Stream (awesome-sauce!). Dedicated fan? Absolutly. Obsessed? ...maybe a little. LOL But really these guys are tottaly awesome! You must You-Tube them!
--Speaking of ETH, I converted 2 ladies that worked @ Barns and Noble. Muhahaha! Me: 3 Hannah: 1 (i'm winning! :K)--
Anyway. Okay, I posted some pictures of my drawings (I finally figured out how to put pix from my camera on here, yay!)
I drew a masoleum. :) Idk why....
Check it out, the gravestone says "M.D. Feb. 09" as the siggy. :)
A poitrait of Jaqelynn when she was young. (see older posts for details)

Little Zombie Girl. "I call this the FriendShip Tree!"

Storm: a Vampire Kisses OC (c) ME

Raven from Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber

Becky from Vampire kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber --why did I draw her so tall?

Storm again!

My cat when she gets wet. LOL

A pretty seal :)
More to come! Thanks for reading!
(It's on the link to the left). My mom took me shopping for my special day, and we ate lunch at TGI Fridays. I went to Hot Topic (love that store! They have the coolest things --when it's on clearance, lol) and saw a Fred T-shirt I REALLY wanted, but my mom forbid me from getting it b/c some how she finds Fred annyoing and wants to strangle me every time I quote. How does anyone not like Fred?!?! 'S beyond me.
In case you're wondering why I'm up so late (it's 11:35pm 0.o) I'm watching a live Enter the Haggis concert on U-Stream (awesome-sauce!). Dedicated fan? Absolutly. Obsessed? ...maybe a little. LOL But really these guys are tottaly awesome! You must You-Tube them!
--Speaking of ETH, I converted 2 ladies that worked @ Barns and Noble. Muhahaha! Me: 3 Hannah: 1 (i'm winning! :K)--
Anyway. Okay, I posted some pictures of my drawings (I finally figured out how to put pix from my camera on here, yay!)
I drew a masoleum. :) Idk why....
A poitrait of Jaqelynn when she was young. (see older posts for details)
Little Zombie Girl. "I call this the FriendShip Tree!"
Storm: a Vampire Kisses OC (c) ME
Raven from Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber
Becky from Vampire kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber --why did I draw her so tall?
Storm again!
My cat when she gets wet. LOL
A pretty seal :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Asheville pictures!!
Well!?!?! ARE YOU???? lol :)
This is going to be a long post! I'm going to add a bunch of photos-- some serious some funny (I'm not trying to make fun of ETH, it's just that some came out kind of funny...)
If you look at these pictures really fast, it's like they're banging their heads together LOL :)
Okay, that's all for Enter the Haggis! The concert was beyond amazing!
Now moving on to the Word Fest!
I don't have a link to the vidios yet, but I'll try to get it up as soon as i find it. :)
And finally! ......
Jack of the Wood!
A really cool pub. lol
Oh, and something I made on my desk at school...it's an exploding fiddle-volcano! LOL
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