My oh my, it feels good to be blogging again! I wish I had more time for it during the school year....but ya know, junior year and all, work work work!
I'm sitting here, reclining in a comfortable rolling chair (one quite unlike the one in my cubicle at school-- yes, you heard me right: cubicle. Hey, tough school :) sipping a giant mug of Earl Grey, bopping my head to the sound of Gaelic Storm, all the while, delaying you from the explination of my title....'re still entertained. :) At least...I think you are....
Anyway, about a month ago, I was told the Statesville Irish Sessions were going to play for the St. Joseph Irish Dancers at the town festival in Hiddnite, North Carolina. Yes, hiddnite, like the fact....exactly like the gem...the base of the vein, so to speak.
Of course I was excited, who wouldn't be? It's a pretty big thing.
About a week later, my Taekwondo teacher announced that we were invited to the South Carolina Governor's Tournament.
Decisions, decisions: competing in an really cool tournament, or getting rained on while I fiddle in the freezing cold?
Of course, I choose fiddling.
A friend of mine, who has been away at college, and I raerly get to see, spent the night. We watched Monty Python and Sweeny Todd. The next day we drove up to Hiddnite (well, she drove...I navigated the ipod...:) We were super early, so we sat down and watched little bluegrass veggietale dancers (don't ask...) who were on before us.
Then we found some of the other musisians, got to gether and tuned in the freezing rain. Five minutes later, tuned again, as well as a few more times after that. :(
Half an hour later, we got up in the gazebo-stage...thing.... and got settled in to our 1'by 1' box of personal space and played.
(you can see me and Hannah on the left hand side. I'm leaning on the pole (more like stuck to) and she's to my right.
On our five min. lunch break, I heard some pretty good street musicians playing The Swallow Tail Jig while I waited in like for my hot apple cider. (yum!)
On second rounds, we were shceduled to play under a tent, but apparently it's dangerous or something to dance on slippery, wet peices of the dancers didn't show.
We were already wet (and my hair was already as curly as a Norwegian Fuzz-mop), so we were like, "oh what the heck?" and just started playing for the fun. :)
Hannah's face is just priceless! Haha! "WHAT THE HECK?!?!"
:( I has curly hair. :(
Sarah D., me, Hannah, and part of Corey.
And that's....that's about it.
See ya! :)
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