I have too much fun...seriously....
"My name is Jose' Jalapeno.....ON a STICK!!!" Ha ha!!!
Anyway, it's been pouring buckets down here! I think the rain finally stopped an hour or so ago. Not much has happened.....we gave the cats a bath. I'm not really sure if I feel more sorry for the cats or the ones bathing them.
I bought some Lemon-poppy seed scones at Whole Foods and I've been trying to figure out how they get them so creamy ever since.
I've been listening to Great Big Sea (GBS) alot lately. They're really good, I put some of their songs on "Deadly Tunes". Scroll on down and give 'em a listen.
Also, school is out! I'm glad, but at the same time I'll miss all my friends. I have friends! This is so much better than my last school!
Okay, I'm gonna go have a soda to give myself ADHD so I can get the house clean in record time :)
Oh, b4 I forget, The WTC blog has been updated. Click the link on the upper-left hand side to check it out.
Peace out!
School is already out?
It's raining a lot here too. WE had softball practice today in the sheeting rain =/
Thanks for the comments, too!
Yuck, I had golf practice when it was lightning a year or two ago.
My Co-Cap. said: "Now if your clubs start sizzling, THROW THEM DOWN AND RUN!"
Thx 4 commenting!
OMG not fair that your school is already out i don't get out until the 6th, please forgive my middle school ranting.
the 6th isn't far! :)
too be fair, you get a sunny summer and I get a rainy one :) lol
Love ur username btw,though I sort of prefer hornpipes. lol
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