Friday, June 12, 2009

Dream Pet

What would you want for a pet if you could have anything? No, you may not answer "Edward Cullen".

I think I would want an aye-aye.
They are soooo cute! Well, to me...
The aye-aye is the largest nocturnal marsupial, and is from Madagascar (yes, like the movie), which is an island off the coast of South Africa.
It is believed to be a symbol of evil (tho I believe it to be a symbol of utter cuteness! ;) and if it points its middle finger at you, you'll die. *giggle* Ahem, sorry. The only way to destroy this "curse" is to kill the creature. *sob* Needless to say, aye-ayes are endangered species. :(
isn't it cute!??! X)

So, what would be your dream pet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's so sad that they kill them :(