Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to make a Vegetarian Meal When there's hardly Anything in the Fridge Part I

Hello All,

I have resurrected my vegetarianism (hmm, is that a word? must be, the Spell Check didn't go off). yay.

Okay, as you can guess from the title, there was hardly anything non-meat-related in the refrigerator yesterday. If you are a Vege' and ever caught in this situation, here's what I did:

Make an egg and toast sandwich.

First, fry your egg however you like it. I did mine like this : too imporportionate too be over-easy, too disasterous to be scrambled. So, we'll call this....a mess.

Then, toast some bread (wheat is sweet:) and stuff it with the egg. Now, to add a little flavour to this rubbery mess, I added salt....and mustard. Oh, don't "eeeewwwweee", it's good!

When you've got that done, fix yourself something to drink. As you can see, I made chocolate soy milk. I'm not vegan, I just have issues with the other kind.
Grab a napkin (cause this can get messy!) and enjoy! :)
Later Days,

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