Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jalepenos and ADHD

I have too much fun...seriously....

"My name is Jose' Jalapeno.....ON a STICK!!!" Ha ha!!!

Anyway, it's been pouring buckets down here! I think the rain finally stopped an hour or so ago. Not much has happened.....we gave the cats a bath. I'm not really sure if I feel more sorry for the cats or the ones bathing them.
I bought some Lemon-poppy seed scones at Whole Foods and I've been trying to figure out how they get them so creamy ever since.
I've been listening to Great Big Sea (GBS) alot lately. They're really good, I put some of their songs on "Deadly Tunes". Scroll on down and give 'em a listen.
Also, school is out! I'm glad, but at the same time I'll miss all my friends. I have friends! This is so much better than my last school!
Okay, I'm gonna go have a soda to give myself ADHD so I can get the house clean in record time :)
Oh, b4 I forget, The WTC blog has been updated. Click the link on the upper-left hand side to check it out.

Peace out!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Playing with the Best

Last night I went to the Second Fret (the local coffee house, music/dance hall, tavern...thing...) to hear Dr. John Turner.
Dr. Turner has won about 10 national Scottish Fiddle championships. OMG.
Anyway, I took a workshop from him this morning. It was awesome! I made scones as my "snack assignment", which were a success (phew!).
After it was over, Hannah and I got our fiddle/violin (my fiddle, her violin-- she sometimes gets mad if I call it a fiddle, Idk if she's reading this, but it's better to be safe) signed.

Manny of my friends from school or elsewhere often ask me "What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle?"
The answer:

Sorry. Can't tell you. It's a secret known only to the players of these instruments, and we're not allowed to tell.


My real answers- -

(1) The nut that holds the bow.

Stop laughing, it's true. Fiddlers are usually more rythmatic (is that a word? you know what i mean.) with a bow. Really it depends on the style though e.i Cape Breton, Scottish, old time, etc.

(2) The violin sings, the fiddle dances.
Fiddle music when played for dancers is supposed to have a certain "bounce" or "kick" (use your imagination) to keep their feet entertained.

(3) No one cares if you spill beer on a fiddle.

When the-- Hey! Wait just one minute! I care! Especially if you spill it on the place where Brian Buchanan or Dr. Turner signed!
--you DEFINITLY don't want to if your fiddle is a Strad.--

Okay, now for the physical differences:

(4) London Bridge.....or Dresden...depending on your instrument....

On a violin, the bridge is ususally more arched so you don't bump extra strings. But in fiddling, the bridges are flat because you actually want to bump extra strings* (especially in Scottish music, so you get that lovely Bagpipe-Drone-Effect).
*Note- not all fiddles have a flat bridge. it's not that as soon as you install a different bridge, you're aura sudenly and magically changes from violinst to a fiddler or vise versa...but it does help.
ps.- if you didn't get the title, Dresden is a popular bridge manufacturer/maker of bridges/whatever. I couldn't come up with anything more catchy....sorry...

(5) Tomato/tohmahto

Both the words "violin" and "fiddle" come from the same Latin word-- ironically, I forgot the word. Eventually, if you translate it out......and keep going....and going....you will get the two differnt words.

So, the next time somone says "There is no difference between a violin and a fiddle.", please grit your teeth and kindly point them to here.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WTC update!


I just want to let you know, the the WTC Blog (click the link on the left) has a video up! I'm filming, so you won't be able to see me (sad day...:()
It's about WTC-ers in their natural habitat--

The picnic table.


okay. Check it out!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Drawings!

Hello again! I uploaded some more drawings. :)

Mary Hale aka Bloody Mary (an OC) (c)Me

Brandon! The Siamese Bunny! (randomness) "Carrot?"

Lenore and Raggamuffin (vampire form) (c) Roman Dirge

Umm...Feet. why did I draw feet?....
Some thing me and Brittany did at school

Raven! From Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Schrieber "Rock on!"
Skulduggery S
Skulduggery Pleasant! (c) Derek Landy

A mummy. "Grr! Arg!"

Ooh, pretty castle!
My freind is absolutly obsessed with TinkerBell, so to annoy her, I drew a Tinker-Goth :)
A graveyard. pretty.... lol
Storm again (c) ME
okey-dokey. :) that's it. :)
Peace out, happy saturday.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hello! Happy Birthday to me and Alice! Check out Alice Whitlock's blog to veiw our cake! :)
(It's on the link to the left). My mom took me shopping for my special day, and we ate lunch at TGI Fridays. I went to Hot Topic (love that store! They have the coolest things --when it's on clearance, lol) and saw a Fred T-shirt I REALLY wanted, but my mom forbid me from getting it b/c some how she finds Fred annyoing and wants to strangle me every time I quote. How does anyone not like Fred?!?! 'S beyond me.
In case you're wondering why I'm up so late (it's 11:35pm 0.o) I'm watching a live Enter the Haggis concert on U-Stream (awesome-sauce!). Dedicated fan? Absolutly. Obsessed? ...maybe a little. LOL But really these guys are tottaly awesome! You must You-Tube them!
--Speaking of ETH, I converted 2 ladies that worked @ Barns and Noble. Muhahaha! Me: 3 Hannah: 1 (i'm winning! :K)--

Anyway. Okay, I posted some pictures of my drawings (I finally figured out how to put pix from my camera on here, yay!)

I drew a masoleum. :) Idk why....

Check it out, the gravestone says "M.D. Feb. 09" as the siggy. :)
A poitrait of Jaqelynn when she was young. (see older posts for details)

Little Zombie Girl. "I call this the FriendShip Tree!"

Storm: a Vampire Kisses OC (c) ME

Raven from Vampire Kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber

Becky from Vampire kisses (c) Ellen Shrieber --why did I draw her so tall?

Storm again!

My cat when she gets wet. LOL

A pretty seal :) More to come! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Asheville pictures!!

Well!?!?! ARE YOU???? lol :)

This is going to be a long post! I'm going to add a bunch of photos-- some serious some funny (I'm not trying to make fun of ETH, it's just that some came out kind of funny...)
It's Brian!!! Yay!

Craig! Yay!
Brian and Trevor!

Mark and Trevor!

"Ouch! Okay, who threw that?"
"What was that?!?"
Now, this is some great multi-tasking! Fiddle and piano!

"Heeellloooo down there!"

Okay, I cannot figure out what is in Trevor's hand. It kind of looks like an arrow......:(

More awesome multi-tasking! Go Brian! XD
Brian and Mark :)
Brian and Trevor :)
"Hey! the sign says No Flashes!"

If you look at these pictures really fast, it's like they're banging their heads together LOL :)

Okay, that's all for Enter the Haggis! The concert was beyond amazing!

Now moving on to the Word Fest!
I don't have a link to the vidios yet, but I'll try to get it up as soon as i find it. :)

The front of the Jubilee! building. Less that half a mile from my hotel!

And finally! ......

Jack of the Wood!
A really cool pub. lol

Oh, and something I made on my desk at school...it's an exploding fiddle-volcano! LOL \

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hi! How are you? Would you like to be on world-wide television?

Okay guys, the coolest thing just happened!

Me and my friend Hannah are in Asheville, NC for the Enter the Haggis concert, and we're down by the pool practicing on our violin/fiddles. This lady comes up behind us and says we sound great! So, of course we say thank you.
Then she askes us if we want to play at this Poetry Juballee, which is --get this-- world wide!


It was just a totally random thing! It wasn't just awesome-sauce....it was rocking-sauce!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Last Post Before Heading to Asheville! All aboard!

Okay guys, I know I already posted today, but I found out the hotel I'll be staying at has a 90% possibility of no internet service.

*gasp! Sob*

Oh, I got my fiddle back, it is good as new...well almost. Johnny made a slight mistake on the finish but he's offered to take care of it after the concert.
I am desperately hoping Brian Buchanan will sign it! OMG

Okay, I have to drink some soy milk and go to bed. Not that the soy milk does anything to help me sleep, it's just that I had part of a cookie and I'm kind of thirsty and... you....really don't care.....
Sweet Nightmares :)
~Minx <3

Shh! Toddi, get in the case!, I think I hear Jim...

Happy Home-Coming Jim!!!

Yay!!! Jim is coming home today!!

Gosh, he's been in the shop for exactly six weeks now! Dad went up to Dobson and is bringing him-- okay...it -- home!
I've missed that fiddle SO much, I'm sure Johnny has worked wonders on it!
Now I'll have it in time for the Enter the Haggis concert so I can go get it signed!!!


Okay, I've got a bunch of house work to get back to.


ps- my birthday is in only eight days! omg!!!!