Last night I went to the Second Fret (the local coffee house, music/dance hall, tavern...thing...) to hear Dr. John Turner.
Dr. Turner has won about 10 national Scottish Fiddle championships. OMG.
Anyway, I took a workshop from him this morning. It was awesome! I made scones as my "snack assignment", which were a success (phew!).
After it was over, Hannah and I got our fiddle/violin (my fiddle, her violin-- she sometimes gets mad if I call it a fiddle, Idk if she's reading this, but it's better to be safe) signed.
Manny of my friends from school or elsewhere often ask me "What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle?"
The answer:
Sorry. Can't tell you. It's a secret known only to the players of these instruments, and we're not allowed to tell.
My real answers- -
(1) The nut that holds the bow.
Stop laughing, it's true. Fiddlers are usually more rythmatic (is that a word? you know what i mean.) with a bow. Really it depends on the style though e.i Cape Breton, Scottish, old time, etc.
(2) The violin sings, the fiddle dances.
Fiddle music when played for dancers is supposed to have a certain "bounce" or "kick" (use your imagination) to keep their feet entertained.
(3) No one cares if you spill beer on a fiddle.
When the-- Hey! Wait just one minute!
I care! Especially if you spill it on the place where Brian Buchanan or Dr. Turner signed!
--you DEFINITLY don't want to if your fiddle is a Strad.--
Okay, now for the physical differences:
(4) London Bridge.....or Dresden...depending on your instrument....
On a violin, the bridge is ususally more arched so you don't bump extra strings. But in fiddling, the bridges are flat because you actually
want to bump extra strings* (especially in Scottish music, so you get that lovely Bagpipe-Drone-Effect).
*Note- not all fiddles have a flat bridge. it's not that as soon as you install a different bridge, you're aura sudenly and magically changes from violinst to a fiddler or vise versa...but it does help.
ps.- if you didn't get the title, Dresden is a popular bridge manufacturer/maker of bridges/whatever. I couldn't come up with anything more catchy....sorry...
(5) Tomato/tohmahto
Both the words "violin" and "fiddle" come from the same Latin word-- ironically, I forgot the word. Eventually, if you translate it out......and keep going....and will get the two differnt words.
So, the next time somone says "There is no difference between a violin and a fiddle.", please grit your teeth and kindly point them to here.