I know what you're thinking, "When is she ever going to post something besides icons!?!?!" If you lived where I lived, you'de know why there's nothing to post. Nothing ever happens here!
oky-doke, my name is Meg(an), or Minx, whatev' =] I live in North Carolina, the most beautiful state in the USA,but currently falling in love with the Kandyan mts of SL, and am a rising senior at a small, one-room-schoolhouse type place. Umm..I play Celtic Fiddle and am a self-taught pianist :) Love my friends and family to death (yeah, even the certified ones, hehe..)
Those are some pretty sweet icons.
Hey there Minx,
I love your icons, Ahahaha! :) I think my favorite one is the second one. Ahahaha! I find it very true in some cases. :D
My Regards
<.:OeCd:.> ,
Thankyou! :)
Tuesday (a),
Thanx! :) Yeah, it reminds me of my bff! :) lol
Hey Minx,
Yeah I really have no idea why my name came out as (a). Ahahahhahahaha! But thank you for viewing my blog, and commenting. I really appreciate it. :D
My Regards
no prob. :)
No prob. Like your blog, btw.
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